
资讯 12-20 阅读:641 评论:0


  1. 最有名的当属“最后的晚餐”,在画中叛徒犹大排在第13个出现

  There were 13 people at the Last Supper. It's said that Judas Iscariot — the one who betrayed Jesus — was the 13th man to take his place at the table.

  2. 北欧神话中,一次宴会上的第十三位神——邪神洛基不请自来,引发了大风波“诸神的黄昏”

  Similarly, there's a Norse legend that has 12 gods sitting down to a banquet when the 13th (uninvited) god, Loki, shows up. Loki killed one of the other gods, which led to events that eventually resulted in Ragnarok - the death of a bunch of gods.

  3. 据信耶稣死于黑色星期五——恰逢周五的13号,亚伯与该隐两人也于13号这一天决裂

  Many Christians believe that Jesus was crucified on Friday the 13th. They also believe that the Cain and Abel debacle took place on that date.

  4. 上绞刑架要走13步,刽子手的套索有13道旋

  Traditionally, there used to be 13 steps leading up the gallows. There's also a legend that a hangman's noose traditionally contained 13 turns.

  5. 阿波罗13号事故——唯一一次失败的月球任务

  Apollo 13 is the only unsuccessful moon mission. An oxygen tank exploded and the survival of the astronauts on board was pretty touch-and-go for several days, but they did all come home safely in the end.

  6. 1307年10月13日,圣殿骑士团遭到法国国王下令捕杀

  There was a mass arrest and execution of the Knights Templar on Friday, October 13, 1307.

  7. 异端女巫团被认为有13位成员

  Although a coven is now just considered to be any group of witches, it was once believed that a coven was made up of exactly 13 members.

  8. 古老的迷信认为名字里有13个字母的人,会有魔鬼的命。

  There's an old superstition that says if you have 13 letters in your name, you're bound to have the devil's luck. For example, Charles Manson, Jack the Ripper, Jeffrey Dahmer, Theodore Bundy and Albert De Salvo all contain 13 letters.

  9. 传言如果13个人同桌吃饭,那么其中有一人会在次年遇害

  Seating 13 people at a table would result in the death of one of them in the year to follow. In the late 1800s, there was a group called The Thirteen Club. They met on the 13th of the month and had dinner 13 people to a table. Members of the club included five U.S. presidents: Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt and Chester A. Arthur. And, if you're keeping track, Chester A. Arthur only became president because he was vice when Garfield was assassinated.

  10. 黑色星期五——恰逢周五的13号是个极其不幸的日子

  Friday, October 13, 1972, was a bad day in the history of aviation. That's the day that Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 infamously crashed in the Andes, killing 29 people. On the exact same day, 174 people were killed when a Soviet Aeroflot crashed in a lake about a kilometer from the runway.

  11. 一年中有13次满月便会不幸

  A year with 13 full moons instead of 12 was considered a very unfortunate circumstance, especially by the monks who had charge of the calendar of thirteen months for that year, and it upset the regular arrangement of church festivals. For this reason thirteen came to be considered an unlucky number.

  12. 小孩从13岁开始迎来叛逆期,一个个像“小魔鬼”一样可怕……(这也算是理由?)

  Kids officially become teenagers at the age of 13, and we all know that's a scary phase.


  13. 数字13被认为是“打破圆满”的数字

  In numerology, the number 12 is considered to be the representation of perfection and completion. It stands to reason, then, that trying to improve upon perfection by adding a digit is a very bad idea indeed — your greed will be rewarded with bad luck.


  12进制影响最明显的,莫过于英语数词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, night, ten, eleven, twelve从1数到12都有各自的单词对应不重复,而从13开始就变成了thirteen。





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