
资讯 12-20 阅读:503 评论:0

  鹰300T是RotorWay国际的一个认证的生产两地新的涡轮直升机样机。 RotorWay has teamed with Rolls Royce using their new RR300 power plant. RotorWay公司与劳斯莱斯使用他们的新RR300电厂。 Designed for low cost procurement and operations. 专为低成本采购和操作。 Perfect for Flight Schools and those looking for the reliability of a Turbine with costs of similar reciprocating engines. 完美的飞行学校和那些对汽轮机可靠性寻找与类似往复式发动机的成本。 Deposits are being taken to reserve your place in line for your Eagle 300T. 正在采取存款准备金为您的鹰300T线的地方。 Don't miss out on the opportunity to reserve your's today. 不要错过保留您的今天的机会了。

  Powerplant 动力装置 RR300-B1 RR300 - B1

  Seats 座椅 2 2

  MAUW MAUW 2050lbs (930 kg) 2050磅(930公斤)

  Empty Weight 空重 950 lbs. 950磅。 (431 kg) (431公斤)

  Cargo Sling Max 货物吊带最大 500 lbs. 500磅。 (226 kg) (226公斤)

  Useful Load 有效载荷 1100 lbs. 1100磅。 (499 kg) (499公斤)

  Fuel 燃料 80 US gal. 80美国加仑。 (302 L) (302 L)

  Duration 时间 2hrs +30 min res 2小时30分钟水库

  Cruise 巡航 110kts/127mph 110kts/127mph

  Service Ceiling 升限 13000ft (3962 m) 13000英尺(3962米)


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